
Application Processing

American Contractors Exam Services has provided application processing assistance to thousands of contractors over the past 15 years. Most contractor candidates do not have the time or patience required for completing the state’s application. Submitting the application is a time consuming process and if not completed properly, can be a very long ordeal. Each “t” must be crossed and every “i” must be dotted, so to speak. If mistakes are made during the application process, the application is likely to be rejected and the process will start over from the beginning.

If time is of the essence and projects are pending, leave this task to the experts. The application processing department of American Contractors will save you time and money. The team’s combined experience has witnessed nearly every scenario and can provide advice for handling nearly any situation.

Consultation will be provided on how to legally structure your business, how to prepare for the board interview when applicable, how to achieve the monetary limit needed for an individual situation and how to obtain the license as soon as possible. Many times, your application will be hand-delivered to your board by a member of the application processing team.

Leave it to the experts and save yourself the heartache and time involved in this process.


American Contractors Exam Services, Inc. is not an attorney or law office, therefore we do not offer legal guidance. We will file all necessary paperwork with the state in which you wish to be incorporated in, however for legal reasons we do not write by-laws or operating agreements. For additional information and state and federal requirements please our office at 800-992-1910.

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