
Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety and Health (SPECIAL Order)

SPECIAL ORDER A Guide for Eliminating Occupational and Safety Hazards Although the construction industry employs only five percent of the nation’s work force, it suffers 20 percent of the nation’s occupational fatalities and 12 percent of all U.S. injuries. Because of this the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has consolidated their construction standards, compliance assistance, cooperative programs, and technical services to form the Directorate of Construction. Construction sites and operations have become the prime targets for the Directorate of Construction, which has greatly increased its number of inspections, citations and penalties. The Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety and Health is for safety professional, contractor, project manager and owner who have the responsibility of implementing an effective on-site safety and health program. It is a practical guide that can be used by the construction industry on existing and future projects and jobsites in the critical area of occupational safety and health. Written using OSHA’s Construction standards as a framework, the book provides those responsible for construction safety and health with a definitive guide for eliminating safety and health hazards from construction worksites. In addition, the handbook addresses subjects such as contractor liability, multi-employer sites and focused inspection which are real and time problem areas faced by the construction industry. The Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety and Health contains a model safety and health program, examples of accident analysis and prevention approaches, sample safety and health checklist and forms, and over 300 illustrations. (1,032 pages) Contents: Introduction Employer/Employee Perceptions of Construction Motivation and People Issues Construction Safety and Health Programs Analyzing Construction Hazards and Accidents Accident Prevention Techniques Safety Hazards in Construction A-W Industrial Hygiene and Health Hazards in Construction Controls and Personal Protective Equipment Ergonomics in Construction Safety and Health Handbook OSHA Compliance The Construction Standards Worker’s Compensation Resources and Information Summary Glossary Appendices Index ICC


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