
NFPA 232-22: Standard for the Protection of Records, 2022 Edition

Reduce the risk of fire damage and loss of business records by implementing the up-to-date safeguards in the 2012 NFPA 232.

Unless properly protected, valuable and often irreplaceable business records can be destroyed even in so-called ”fire-resistive” buildings. The 2022 NFPA 232: Standard for the Protection of Records presents the latest requirements for records protection equipment and facilities and records-handling techniques that safeguard records in a variety of media forms from the hazards of fire.

Engineers, AHJs, facility managers, insurance companies, and manufacturers all need to keep pace with 2022 changes to increase records protection. Only this edition:

  • Identifies the responsible party is the owner of the facility

  • Clarifies that NFPA 232 does not address life safety

  • Coordinates of wording between the requirements and the tables

  • Clarifies the responsibilities of the risk manager

  • Allows water mist systems for protection

Order today and increase the chance that vital documents would be spared if fire strikes. (Softbound,  2022)


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