
NFPA 31-11: Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment, 2011 Edition

Improve installation of oil burning appliances.

NFPA 31: Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment provides the guidance you need to install appliances for safe and efficient use in industrial, commercial, and residential occupancies. Just revised and improved, it’s the industry benchmark for installing boilers, air heaters, water heaters, and domestic range burners.

Major changes in the 2011 edition include:

  • Revised and simplified requirements for installing fuel oil tanks inside buildings. The new provisions are parallel to NFPA 37: Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines.

  • Rules for installing oil safety valves and thermally operated shutoff valves

  • Guidance on using crankcase and used motor oils as fuels

  • Protocols for taking fuel oil tanks temporarily or permanently out of service

This edition also clarifies responsibilities of service technicians installing appliances, and includes diagrams illustrating cross-connection of two-, three-, and four-tank installations. (Softbound, Approx. 60 pp., 2006)


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