
NFPA 72-13 – National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, 2013 ed

Organizational and technical changes in the NFPA 72® 2013 edition clarify fire alarm and emergency communications system rules and improve usability.

Revised to incorporate the latest industry developments and technological advances, the new NFPA 72®: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code is today’s source for the installation, testing, and maintenance of fire alarm and emergency communications systems, including mass notification systems.

New Chapter 7 consolidates all documentation rules into one location.

Having everything in one place makes it easier for Code users to find what they need, and also helps AHJs know what’s expected in terms of documentation requirements. The new chapter also establishes minimum required documentation to promote consistency across the country. Plus, forms have been revised so there’s a shorter basic form for simpler systems, with additional forms to fill out for more complex jobs.

Other major Code changes include:

  • Reorganized inspection table now includes new specific inspection methods

  • Testing table merges two previous tables into one with both test methods and frequencies side by side for improved usability

  • Revised supervising station transmission methods

  • New requirements for audible and visible occupant notification

  • Reorganization and update of record of completion and inspection, testing, and maintenance forms

  • Revised requirements for emergency communications systems

Preserve public health, welfare, and safety with the 2013 NFPA 72.

– See more at: http://catalog.nfpa.org/2013-NFPA-72reg-National-Fire-Alarm-and-Signaling-Code-P1198.aspx#sthash.KnSRPjeb.dpuf


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