
The Complete Guide to Contracting Your Home

Whether you want to take all the responsibility to contract your home or simply want to intelligently communicate with your homebuilder, The Complete Guide to Contracting Your Home can help save you 30 percent or more on the cost of home construction by teaching you the practical, day-to-day details of managing a construction project.

This book has helped tens of thousands of people reach their home construction goals.  With totally updated information—including up-to-date finance, tax, and Internet resources—this third edition will help you reach your construction goals, too.

In the first section, Concepts, you’ll learn the up-front essentials for getting your construction project off to a solid start.  You’ll get essential financial and legal detail for obtaining your construction loan and mortgage, all in language you can understand.  Plus, the ins and outs of selecting a lot

Next, the Project Management section walks you step-by-step through every stage of home construction, so you can communicate knowledgeably with builders, contractors, and suppliers.  From preconstruction, foundations and framing, to roofing, plumbing, and electrical … From masonry, siding and insulation, to drywall, trim, and painting … And from cabinetry and countertops, to flooring, tile, and landscaping … This book’s got it all, including checklists to follow each phase of construction.

Also included is possibly the most comprehensive resources section ever compiled in one place for the home builder.  The appendices show and explain dozens of construction terms and checklists, construction schedules, order forms, control logs and contracts you can’t be without.


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