
California Fire & Safety Alarm Technician

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A Fire/Life Safety Technician is one who performs work for a C-10 electrical contractor involving the installation, construction or maintenance of systems covered by Article 760 of the National Electrical Code, and the National Fire Alarm Code.

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Required Books 

The reference books associated have been used to create the exam. Only the books allowed into the exam are provided at the testing center for you. You may not use your own books.  Individuals should be familiar with the content in all of these reference books.

Books provided at the exam are:

2014 National Electrical Code
NFPA 70E- 2015
NFPA 72-2016
Cal/OSHA- Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry

Add All Required Books to Cart ($679.00)

Licensing requirements exist for all Commercial, Residential and Public Works construction involving projects of $500.00 or more.

Business and Law exam is required for first time applicants.

Applicants must document 4 years of experience within the last 10 years as a journeyman, foreman, supervising employee or contractor in the classification being sought.

Licenses are issues for 2 years.

All actives licenses require a bond.

A Fire/Life Safety Technician is one who performs work for a C-10 electrical contractor involving the installation, construction or maintenance of systems covered by Article 760 of the National Electrical Code, and the National Fire Alarm Code.

Applications and information may be obtained from:

Contractors State Licensing Board
PO Box 26000
Sacramento, CA 95826
(800) 321-2752


Important Contacts

Applications and information may be obtained from:

Contractors State Licensing Board
PO Box 26000
Sacramento, CA 95826
(800) 321-2752
Examinations for General Electrician, Residential Electrician, Fire & Safety Alarm Technician, Voice Data Video Technician and Non-Residential Lighting Technician are administered by:

3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267 • Fax (702) 932-2666
Before you can take a certification exam, you must apply and be approved by DAS. Applications may be obtained from:

Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
Attn: Electrician Certification Unit
P O Box 420603
San Francisco, CA 94142-0603
Phone: (510) 286-3900
Fax: (510) 286-3917
Limited reciprocal agreements exist with Arizona, Nevada and Utah. It is limited to a waiver of the trade exam, if the applicant is applying for a similiar classification.  Out of state licenses must be current and in good standing and in effect for at least 5 years.
California does not currently require Continuing Education.

The California Fire-Life Safety Technicial exam is 50 questions with a 2.5 hour time limit

Exam subject areas include Safety, Preparation, Installation, Termination, Testing and Troubleshooting, and Fire Alarm Systems.

Exam results are good for 5 years

Exams are given by PSI

American Contractors does not currently offer a seminar for the California Fire and Safety Alarm Technician exam, although we do carry the materials needed for study.