
California General Electrician

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A General Electrician is one who performs work for a C-10 electrical contractor installing, constructing or maintaining any electrical system that is covered by the National Electric Code.

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Required Books 

Some of the references listed are furnished and permitted to be taken into the examination.  This is a semi-open book test however, applicants should be familiar will all recommended references.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($281.25)

First time applicants are required to pass a Business Law exam in addition to a trade exam

Pre-Approval is Required

Applicants must document four years of experience within the last ten years as a journeyman, foreman, supervising employee or contractor in the classification being sought.

A contractor bond is required for all active licenses

Application fees are $300 to $330 and licensing fees are $180 to $200

License is issued for two years

A General Electrician is one who performs work for a C-10 electrical contractor installing, constructing or maintaining any electrical system that is covered by the National Electric Code.

Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
Attn: Electrician Certification Unit
P O Box 420603
San Francisco, CA 94142-0603
Phone: (510) 286-3900
Fax: (510) 286-3917


Important Contacts

Applications and information may be obtained from:

Contractors State Licensing Board
PO Box 26000
Sacramento, CA 95826
(800) 321-2752
Examinations for General Electrician, Residential Electrician, Fire & Safety Alarm Technician, Voice Data Video Technician and Non-Residential Lighting Technician are administered by:

3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267 • Fax (702) 932-2666
Before you can take a certification exam, you must apply and be approved by DAS. Applications may be obtained from:

Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
Attn: Electrician Certification Unit
P O Box 420603
San Francisco, CA 94142-0603
Phone: (510) 286-3900
Fax: (510) 286-3917
Limited reciprocal agreements exist with Arizona, Nevada and Utah for waiver of the trade exam if applicant is applying for a similiar classification. Out of state license must be current and in good standing and in effect for at least the past five years.
Electricians are required to complete 32 hours of state approved Continuing Education to renew thier license

The exam contains 100 multiple choice questions with a four and a half hour time limit

You must pass the exams in the 18-month period of your eligibility notice. You may test as many times as necessary during the 18-month period.

If you do not pass the exam, you must wait 21 days from the day you took the exam before sending in your application for re-test.  When your eligibility expires you must reapply  to the board.

Subject areas include Determination of Electrical System Requirements, Safety, Installation and Maintenance and Repair.

The references are provided for you at the exam, you may not use your own

We currently offer an Electrical Code seminar for Electricians to better navigate the NEC but not specifically for California.  These Electrical Seminars that will greatly improve your use of the Code book as well as the math calculations and other electrical information needed to pass an electrcial exam.  Please call us for more information.