
Connecticut Limited Gas and Oil Burner Journeyperson (B2)

We offer custom training options for the Connecticut Limited Gas and Oil Burner Journeyperson (B2) training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The holder of this license may perform only work of installing, servicing and repairing of gas or oil for domestic and light commercial installations as so defined in subsection (i) and only while in the employ of a contractor licensed for such work.

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Required Books 

The references listed were used to create the exam questions. References can be tabbed and highlighted prior to testing. Tabs must be permanent. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($1,051.15)

The requirements to qualify for the journeyperson license examination shall be completion of a registered apprenticeship program or equivalent experience and training.

The holder of this license may perform only work of installing, servicing and repairing of gas or oil for domestic and light commercial installations as so defined in subsection (i) and only while in the employ of a contractor licensed for such work.

Dept. of Consumer Protection Occupational & Professional Licensing
165 Capitol Avenue, Room 110
Hartford, CT 06106
860.713.6135 Phone
860.713.7230 Fax


Important Contacts

Applications & information for Home Improvement Contractors may be obtained from:

Dept. of Consumer Protection Licensing Services
165 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
860.713.6000 Phone
860.713.7230 Fax
Applications & Licensing information for all types of Contractors license, except Home Improvement can be obtained from:

Dept. of Consumer Protection Occupational & Professional Licensing
165 Capitol Avenue, Room 110
Hartford, CT 06106
860.713.6135 Phone
860.713.7230 Fax

To register for an exam:
PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration AL
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267
Connecticut doesn not currently have reciprocity for this license.
Connecticut does not currently require Continuing Eductaion for this license.

The exam is administered by PSI.  It is open-book, 40 questions with a 1.5 hr time limit. 

70% is required to pass.

Exam subject areas include: Chimneys, Flues and Vents, Controls, Equipment, Fuel Gas Systems, General Knowledge, Oil Burners, Piping and Valves, Testing and Maintenance, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and Natural Gas questions.

American Contractors does nont currently offer a seminar for the Connecticut Limited Gas & Oil Burner Journeyperson (B2), but we do carry the references materials to study for the exam.