
Georgia Electrical with Business Law

These licenses allow for the installation, maintenance, alteration, or repair of any electrical equipment, apparatus, control system, or electrical wiring device which is attached to or incorporated into any building or structure including the bidding and contracting for such work. It does not include Low Voltage work.


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Required Books 

The references listed have been used to create the test questions and are used in our seminar to prepare you to better navigate these books and pass the exam.

In addition to the books listed under "Reference Materials" on this page, there are two downloadable documents that you are allowed to take into the exam. To view or download them, simply click on the links below.

Employer’s Tax Guide, Circular E, 2008 that can be picked up at your local IRS office or:
Current Employers Tax Guide, Circular E.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($624.65)

Additional Services

  • Pre-approval from the state is required to sit for the examination.
  • Please note that the Georgia Business and Law exam is also required but is incorporated into the examination, therefore only one exam needs to be passed to obtain your contractors license.
  • Licensure will be required for the practice of contracting in Georgia for any job over $2,500.
  • Applicants must be at least 21 years old and be able to document at least 4 years of primary experience. No more than one year of experience may be credited based on secondary experience or education.
  • Applicants must also submit three letters of reference
  • Additional specific classification experience requirements exist.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

These licenses allow for the installation, maintenance, alteration, or repair of any electrical equipment, apparatus, control system, or electrical wiring device which is attached to or incorporated into any building or structure including the bidding and contracting for such work. It does not include Low Voltage work.

Information & Applications for Conditioned Air, Electrical, Low Voltage, Plumbing, Medical Gas, & Underground Utilities as well as information for General and Residential Building Contractors licenses may be obtained from:

Construction Industry Licensing Board

237 Coliseum Drive

Macon, GA 31217

Phone (478) 207-1416 

Important Contacts

Information & Applications for Conditioned Air, Electrical, Low Voltage, Plumbing & Utilities as well as information for Building Contractors licenses may be obtained from:

Construction Industry Licensing Board
237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, GA 31217
(844) 753-7825

The State Testing Agency is PSI

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration GA
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267

To schedule an exam for any Technical Trade License (Electrical, Low Voltage, Conditioned Air, Plumbing, Gas) contact:


18000 W. 105th Street
Olathe, KS 66061
phone: 800-345-6559
Fax: 913-895-4650

Georgia currently has a reciprocity agreement with Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee for the Electrical Contractor.

Contractors must complete at least four (4) hours of continuing education per year. Application for renewal must document completion of education. License expires on June 30th of even numbered years

  • The testing company is AMP.
  • The exam dates are available throughout the year. It is an open-book, timed test with 140 weighted questions and an 8-hour time limit.
  • The exam is divided into two parts with 4 hours for each half.
  • 30 questions are Business and Law type questions and 110 are technical questions.
  • All are multiple-choice.
  • A score of 70% is required to pass the exam.
  • The exam fee is $253.00

    If you should fail the exam twice, you must complete a state approved training course before testing again.

    Veterans may have 5 to 10 points added to their exam scores by submitting documentation that they served a minimum of one year in active duty status and must have served during a period of conflict or war for a minimum of 90 days. Or, discharged for an injury or illness that occurred in the line of duty and the disability is officially rated.

The examination contains questions based on the following categories:

  • Regulations, Laws and Administrative Functions:
    Compliance with Laws, Compliance with Regulations, Compliance with Administrative Requirements
  • Planning and Organizing Work
  • Technical Functions:
  • Installation & Maintenance of Electrical Controls & Devices
  • Installation and Maintenance of D-C and A-C Rotating Equipment
  • Installation, Sizing and Maintenance of Transformers
  • Installation and Maintenance of Interior Electrical Systems
  • Special Equipment, Conditions and Locations
  • American Contractors Exam Services offers an intensive one-day seminar to prepare for the Georgia Electrical Contractor license exam. American Contractors has been successfully preparing individuals for contractor license exams for more than 22 years. Sign up today for the Georgia Electrical Exam Preparation Seminar.