Required Books
The list of references located below have been used to create the exam questions and are used in our preparation seminar.
In addition to the books listed under "Reference Materials" on this page, there are also downloadable documents that you are allowed to take into the exam room with you. To view and download these documents, simply click on the link below. We also sell these two documents at our cost to produce.
Employer"s Tax Guide, Circular E
Add All Required Books to Cart ($564.55)
Additional Services
Utility manager means any individual who is employed by a utility contractor to have oversight and charge of the construction, erection, alteration, or repair of utility systems.
Only the Utility Manager is allowed to do the hands-on work. Other licenses are needed to supervise and to contract.
A Utility Contractor License is needed to bid, advertise, contract and pull permits. An exam is not needed to acquire the license. A Utility Contractor must fill out an application, meet the qualifications, pay a $50 fee and have a licensed Utility Manager in his employ.
A Utility Foreman license is needed to supervise utility construction. An exam is not required for the Foreman license. One must fill out an application and meet the requirements.
Please contact us to register 800-992-1910
Information & Applications for Underground Utilities may be obtained from:
Construction Industry Licensing Board
237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, GA 31217
Phone (478)207-2440
An approval letter will be sent by the Board to applicants who are approved to sit for the exam. If approved, AMP (testing vendor) will provide you a Candidate Information Bulletin, which includes an outline of topics covered in the examination. Applicants are responsible for submitting a scheduling form and correct fee to AMP by the posted deadline. The deadline dates are available on the board website.
Approximately 2 Weeks Prior to the Examination You will receive an Admission Notice from AMP, giving the date and location of the examination, as requested on the AMP-GA10 form. If you received an approval letter from the Board, but do not receive an admission notice, Contact AMP at (800) 345-6559.
Upon completion of the Examination results will be sent to applicants by AMP. Applicants who failed the exam must submit a re-exam application with the Board. Applicants will also receive a new Examination Scheduling Form from AMP to apply for another examination date.
App. Deadline Exam Registration Date Exam Window
Feb. 9, 2022 Mar. 28, 2022 May 2 - 14, 2022
TBA(est. June 1) Jul. 25, 2022 Sept. 6 -17, 2022
Important Contacts
Georgia currently has no reciprocity agreement for the Utility Manager License.
Contractors must complete at least four (4) hours of continuing education per year. Applications for renewal must document completion of education.
The testing company is AMP.
- The exam is offered throughout the year. It is an open book, timed test with weighted questions and a 4-hour time limit.
- The Utility Manager exam has 80 questions. (plus 15 pre-test questions)
- It is a two-part test with Business and Law type questions and technical questions.
- All questions are multiple-choice. A score of 70% is required to pass the exam.
- The exam fee is $143.
If you should fail the exam twice, you must complete a state approved training course before testing again.
Approximately six (6) weeks after the examination, score reports will be mailed. Examination scores cannot be released over the telephone, so please do not call the Board Office for this purpose. Passing candidates will receive their examination score, while failing candidates will receive their examination score and subscores in the major examination content areas. Subscores will be provided for the examination major content areas listed in the bulletin.
Veterans may have 5 to 10 points added to their exam scores by submitting documentation that they served a minimum of one year in active duty status and must have served during a period of conflict or war for a minimum of 90 days. Or, discharged for an injury or illness that occurred in the line of duty and the disability is officially rated.
The Examination questions pertain to the following categories:
- Regulations, Laws and Administrative Functions Comply with Laws
- Comply with Regulations
- Installation and Servicing
- Technical Functions
- Job Planning and Start-Up
- Line Work
- Concrete Work and Testing
- Process Equipment Installation and Testing
- Safety and Quality Control Programs
American Contractors offers a 2-day seminar to prepare for the Georgia Utility Manager and we carry all of the references for the Georgia Utility Manager State Contractors license exam. Please contact is for more information.