
Hawaii Waterproofing Contractor

We offer custom training options for the Hawaii Waterproofing Contractor training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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To apply felt, glass, asphaltum, epoxy, pitch, silicone, elastomeric coatings, sheet membranes or any other materials or combination of materials to surfaces to prevent water and water vapor from penetrating and passing the materials. Work shall include, but not be limited to waterproofing exterior walls and between slabs, both above and below grade, planter boxes, tank linings and application of tank coatings, and application to parking decks, play courts, and walking decks to form a watertight, nonskid surface, but not to include the work of the C-42 roofing contractor.

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To apply felt, glass, asphaltum, epoxy, pitch, silicone, elastomeric coatings, sheet membranes or any other materials or combination of materials to surfaces to prevent water and water vapor from penetrating and passing the materials. Work shall include, but not be limited to waterproofing exterior walls and between slabs, both above and below grade, planter boxes, tank linings and application of tank coatings, and application to parking decks, play courts, and walking decks to form a watertight, nonskid surface, but not to include the work of the C-42 roofing contractor.