
Louisiana Building Contractor

Building Contractor classification refers to the erection of building structures and related landscaping, earthwork, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, etc. Includes construction of parks, cemeteries, mausoleums, recreational facilities, golf courses, subdivision site work, swimming pools, and the raising, leveling and moving of houses and other structures.

Also includes the development of campuses, parks and subdivisions, in which case the streets must be subcontracted to a properly licensed Highway, Street and Bridge Construction contractor and the municipal pipeline mains must be subcontracted to a properly licensed Municipal and Public Works contractor unless the Building Construction contractor holds the relevant classification(s).

Additionally includes the demolishing only of buildings, houses, highway bridges, industrial piping, etc. Building Construction contractors wishing to build residential homes must separately hold the Residential Building Contractor license.

Note: A qualifying party who has previously passed the Building Construction examination is not required to pass the Residential Building Contractor examination in order to qualify for this classification.


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Required Books 


All the books referenced will be provided for students use at the exam. Knowing the layout, how to navigate and important information contained in each will greatly benefit the test taker.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($1,339.75)

Additional Services

An application form must be submitted to the board before testing.

There are no specific experience requirements in Louisiana.

Completion of the Louisiana Business Law course is required for licensure

The applicant shall furnish the board with a financial statement, current to within 12 months of the date of filing, prepared by an independent auditor and signed by the applicant and auditor before a notary public, stating the assets of the applicant, to be used by the board to determine the financial responsibilityof the applicant to perform work on a construction undertaking, the entire cost of which is $50,000 or more. Such assets shall include a net worth of at least $10,000.

Note: A qualifying party who has previously passed the Building Construction examination is not required to pass the Residential Building Contractor examination in order to qualify for this classification.

Building Contractor classification refers to the erection of building structures and related landscaping, earthwork, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, etc. Includes construction of parks, cemeteries, mausoleums, recreational facilities, golf courses, subdivision site work, swimming pools, and the raising, leveling and moving of houses and other structures.

Also includes the development of campuses, parks and subdivisions, in which case the streets must be subcontracted to a properly licensed Highway, Street and Bridge Construction contractor and the municipal pipeline mains must be subcontracted to a properly licensed Municipal and Public Works contractor unless the Building Construction contractor holds the relevant classification(s).

Additionally includes the demolishing only of buildings, houses, highway bridges, industrial piping, etc. Building Construction contractors wishing to build residential homes must separately hold the Residential Building Contractor license.

Note: A qualifying party who has previously passed the Building Construction examination is not required to pass the Residential Building Contractor examination in order to qualify for this classification.

State Licensing Board for Contractors 
Post Office Box 14419 
Baton Rouge, LA 70898 


Important Contacts

To apply for a license or schedule an exam, contact:

State Licensing Board for Contractors
Post Office Box 14419
Baton Rouge, LA 70898
Applications for the State Plumbing license may be obtained from:

State Plumbing Board of Louisiana
2714 Canal Street, Ste. 512
New Orleans, LA 70119
(504) 826-2382

NASCLA Accredited license is accepted in the following states: Alabama, Arizona*, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada*, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia & the Virgin Islands and West Virginia*. 

*denotes additional requirements

A complete list of Reciprocity can be found at:


Note: A qualifying party who has previously passed the Building Construction examination is not required to pass the Residential Building Contractor examination in order to qualify for this classification.

Louisiana states that if an individual holds a license in any other state for a classification that required a trade exam to be passed, LA will accept that exam for reciprocity for whatever classification LSLBC deems to be equivalent. 



At this time no Continuing Education is required.

The Louisiana Contractors Licensing Board gives the exam. The Building Contractors Exam has 115 multiple-choice, equally weighted questions and a 5.5 hour time limit.  10 non-graded experminental will also be scattered throughout the exam.

The books and a calculator will be provided at the exam site for students to use. 

****The Building Contractor exam is an open-book test. Books are provided at the exam site.

A candidate may request three dates upon which he or she will be available to take the examination. An attempt will be made to accommodate the candidate. New applicants for licensure will be given priority in scheduling. Examinations will not be scheduled unless you submit your qualifying party application and required documentation.

Exam Content: Rough Carpentry, Associated Trades, Concrete and Rebar, Excavation and Sitework, Roofing, Masonry, Finish Carpentry and Structural Steel

We offer Louisiana Building Contractor examination preparation in the form of a one and one-half day seminar in various cities throughout Louisiana. We also carry the necessary references to study.