
Maine Master Electrician

A Master Electrician is an individual engaging in, or about to engage in, the business of installing electrical wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures and other electrical equipment.


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Required Books 

Some of the references listed below are permitted to be taken into the examination. Please contact us for a detailed listing. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at (800) 992-1910.

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Applicants for examination must meet the following requirements for the following examination(s):

  • Complete at least 4,000 hours of service as a journeyman electrician or at least 12,000 hours of experience in electrical installations, as defined in section 1101, and complete a program of study comprising 576 hours as approved by the Electricians' Examining Board or from an accredited institution. The 576 hours shall consist of 450 hours of required study, including a course of not less than 45 hours in the current National Electrical Code and 126 hours of degree-related courses.strong>br />/strong>

A Master Electrician is an individual engaging in, or about to engage in, the business of installing electrical wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures and other electrical equipment.

To apply, contact State of Maine Office of Licensing and Registration at (207) 624-8603.

The licensing fees are:  $150.00 for Master Electrician; $20.00 for Senior Master Electrician (over age 70)

  • Application fee of $25.00
  • SBI Report fee of $21.00The licensing period is 2 years from the date of issuance and renewal is subject to 15 hours of continuing education.
  • Important Contacts

    Plumbers & Electricians may obtain licensing information from:

    Dept. of Professional & Financial Regulation
    Office of Licensing & Registration
    35 State House Station
    Augusta, ME 04333
    207.624.8637 fax

    The Electricians' Examining Board shall issue a license to any person who files a sworn application, is licensed by another state or territory of the United States that has a reciprocity agreement with the State of Maine, and who has been licensed and actively engaged in work as an electrician for a minimum of six years. The State of Maine presently has reciprocity agreements with New Hampshire and Vermont.

    Maine requires 15 Hours of continuing education on the current National Electrical Code updates every three years.

    • The testing company is Prov
    • The exam is 100 questions with a 4 hour time limit.
    • It is all multiple-choice. A score of 70% is required to pass the exam. The exam fee is $50.


    • If you should fail the exam, you must wait 14 days before retaking a failed exam.br />If you do not obtain a passing score during the 24 months after approval, youbr />must reapply through the state.

    We currently offer a seminar for this license.  For more information regarding this license, please contact our office at (800) 992-1910.  American Contractors has been holding Seminars to help contractors pass their exam for over 22 years.