
Michigan Residential Contractor

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A person who contracts with another to do residential, or combination residential and commercial, construction or remodeling on a project whose total value is $600 or more is required to be licensed as either a residential builder or a residential maintenance & alteration contractor. The first step in the licensing process is to pass both the Business Law Exam and Residential Contractors Exam.

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Required Books 

***IMPORTANT REFERENCE MATERIAL NOTICE*** In addition to the books that are listed under "Reference Materials" on this page, there are additional books that you will need.

These are:

Building Trades Print Reading, 2000 by Thomas E. Proctor American Technical Publishers, Inc.  (800) 323-3471 

State Construction Code, Act 230 of 1972 as ammended Michigan Dept of Labor & Economic Growth Bureau of Construction Codes and Fire Safety Office of Management Services  www.michiganlegislature.org/documents/mcl-act-230-of-1972.pdf   Purchase required.

Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act 154 of 1974, as amended.

Administrative Rules for All Industries General Industry Safety Standards & Construction Safety Standards,  May be downloaded from: www.michigan.gov.mioshastandards


Add All Required Books to Cart ($552.50)

Additional Services

Candidates who pass both of these exams must: *Be at least 18 years of age *Be financially stable *Be able to serve the public in a fair, honest and open manner *Submit the appropriate license application, fees and supporting documents to the State Board. Exam scores will be printed on the license application form along with a one year deadline date by which you must finish the application process. We carry many of the approved reference materials.

NOTICE: Michigan Residential Builders-M&A Contractors Effective June 1, 2008 New Licensing Requirements: Public Act 157 of 2007 requires individuals seeking a Residential Builder or M&A Contractor license to complete 60 hours of education courses prior to examination.


A person who contracts with another to do residential, or combination residential and commercial, construction or remodeling on a project whose total value is $600 or more is required to be licensed as either a residential builder or a residential maintenance & alteration contractor. The first step in the licensing process is to pass both the Business Law Exam and Residential Contractors Exam.

Applications for residential builders and contractors licenses may be obtained from:

Department of Labor & Economic Growth
Bureau of Commercial Services - Builders Unit
PO Box 30018
Lansing, MI 48909
(517)241-9254 Phone

Important Contacts

The construction, remodeling, or alteration of residential or combination residential commercial structures requires licensing at the state level.

Applications for residential builders and contractors licenses may be obtained from:

Department of Labor & Economic Growth
Bureau of Commercial Services - Builders Unit
PO Box 30018
Lansing, MI 48909
(517)241-9254 Phone
Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing are also required to be licensed at the state level for both residential & commercial construction.

Examination applications & legal information regarding electrical, mechanical, & plumbing licenses can be obtained from:

Department of Labor & Economic Growth
Bureau of Construction Codes
PO Box 30254
Lansing, MI 48909

Electrical Division: (517)241-9320
Mechanical Division: (517)241-9325
Plumbing Division: (517)241-9330
Boiler Division: (517)241-9334
Elevator Division: ((517)241-9337
To register for the Michigan Residential Contractor exam contact:

PSI Licensure: Certification
3210 East Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
800-733-9267 phone
702.932.2666 fax

Currently, Michigan does not have reciprocity with any other state.

NOTICE: Michigan Residential Builders-M&A Contractors Effective June 1, 2008

New Licensing Requirements: Public Act 157 of 2007 requires individuals seeking a Residential Builder or M&A Contractor license to complete 60 hours of education courses prior to examination.

Michigan Exams are CLOSED BOOK. They are administered by PSI. You have 2 1/2 hours to complete the 100 question exam. 70% is required to pass.

EXAM SUBJECT AREAS: Plans & Specifications & Estimating Excavation / Sitework Footings & Foundation Walls Concrete Carpentry Masonry Roofing Insulation Ventilation Windows, Doors & Skylights Siding Installation Interior & exterior Finishing Specialties Safety & Employee Protection, including MIOSHA

First time testing fee for both the the Business Law and Contractors exams is $80. Licensing fee is $105. ***


American Contractors carries many of the reference books needed to prepare for the Michigan Residential Contractor exam. Please call us for more information 800-992-1910.