Required Books
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The list of references below are permitted to be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with a permanent index tab) and highlighted.
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Applicants must be over 21, have high school diploma or equivalent and have had, immediately preceding making application, at least five years of documentable experience. Applicants may also qualify by having completed an approved four-year apprentice program and have one-year experience OR a Bachelor's Degree in electrical engineering and two years of experience OR meet the State's definition of an Electrical Journeyman and have at least one-year of experience.
Applicants must have prior approval from the Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors before testing. Applications for the Electrical Cotractor's License Examination must be properly executed and in the Board office 120 days prior to the Examination.
Upon approval from the Board, you will be sent an Examination Eligibility Notice, along with instructions for paying and scheduling the examination.
If you are taking an examination for the first time, you will be required to take all three examinations on the same day. You must take the first attempt within 2 years from the eligibility date. If you fail one or more examinations, you only need to retake the failed examination(s). If you are fail one or more examinations on the first or second attempt, you must wait 6 months from the previous testing date before taking the next attempt. You must pass all 3 required examinations within three attempts. If you do not pass the 3 required examinations within 5 years from the eligibility date, you will need to reapply with the Board.
Electrical Contractors are required to carry at least $300,000 in liability insurance, a $1,000 wage bond and Worker's Compensation Insurance.
The application fee is $100. The renewal fee is $150. Licenses are renewed every 3 years.
Electrical contractors may obtain licensing information from:
Department of Law & Public Safety
Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors
PO Box 45006
Newark, NJ 07101
The exam is administered by PSI.
Once approved by the Board, it is your responsibility to contact PSI to pay and schedule for the examination. Examination Fee
Electrical Contracting $78
Business and Law $43
Alarm Systems $43
NOTE: Exam Fees are not Refundable and Valid for one year.
The Electrical exam is 100 questions, open book with 255 minutes to complete, 70% is required to pass.
Topics include :General Electrical Knowledge 10, Raceways and Enclosures 10, Services, Feeders, and Branch Circuits 10, Overcurrent Protection 5 ,Conductors and Cables 9, Grounding and Bonding 16, Equipment for General Use 9, Special Occupancies 5, Special Equipment and Conditions 5 ,Motors and Controls 12, Low Voltage and Communications Circuits 6, Safety 3
American Contactors offers an Electrical code class that will prepare you for the New Jersey Electrical Exam. New Jersey regulates their contractors at the state level. New Jersey does require that all contractors pass a separate Business and Law exam.