
New Mexico Electrical Residential & Commercial EE-98

 This license covers all electrical work, including work identified in less comprehensive electrical classifications, premises wiring systems 600 volts, nominal, or less, underground distribution raceway systems regardless of voltage, and wiring systems and terminations 600 volts, nominal, or less, with the exception of additional work identified under the EL-1 classification. May bid and contract as the prime contractor of an entire project provided the electrical contractor’s portion of the contract, based on dollar amount, is the major portion of the contract.


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Required Books 


These are semi-open book exams. Not all of the books that are required to prepare for the exams are actually allowed into the exam room.  The following books and documents are allowed into the exam for Parts 1 & 2:  NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code, 2017,  New Mexico Electrical Code (NMAC 14.10.4), 2011 "http://www.nmcpr.state.nm.us/NMAC">www.nmcpr.state.nm.us/

NOTE: The required document can be viewed and printed at the web address following the title. To be allowed into the exam room, it must be put into a binder. The following books are NOT allowed into the exam for Parts 1 & 2: American Electrician’s Handbook,  Ugly’s Electrical References, 2017 

The following books are allowed into the exam for Part 3: National Electrical Code, 2017

The following books are NOT allowed into the exam for Part 3: American Electrician’s Handbook, 16th edition, Telecommunications Wiring,  Understand and Servicing Alarm Systems,;  Ugly’s Electrical References, 2017; Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, 14th; NFPA 75 – Standard for the Protection of Electronic Computer/Data Processing Equipment, 

Add All Required Books to Cart ($2,230.00)

An applicants qualifying agent must provide proof of required experience (2-4 years depending on classification) as well as pass the business and law and trade exam with a minimum score of 75%.  The applicant must submit a bond for $500 to $5,000 (depending on the anticipated dollar level of projects in the state), cash collateral or audited financial statement.  The applicant must also submit a certificate of competence.  There is no application fee for this license, the exam fee is $25.00 and the annual renewal fee is $25.00.

 This license covers all electrical work, including work identified in less comprehensive electrical classifications, premises wiring systems 600 volts, nominal, or less, underground distribution raceway systems regardless of voltage, and wiring systems and terminations 600 volts, nominal, or less, with the exception of additional work identified under the EL-1 classification. May bid and contract as the prime contractor of an entire project provided the electrical contractor’s portion of the contract, based on dollar amount, is the major portion of the contract.

Applications for all types of contractors license are available from:
Contractors Licensing Service, Inc.
3211 Coors Blvd. SW, Suite D-4
Albuquerque, NM 87121

Important Contacts

Virtually every aspect of commercial, residential, and public works construction is regulated at the state level in New Mexico. This includes general, mechanical,plumbing, electrical & gas construction work.

Applications for all types of contractors license are available from:
Contractors Licensing Service, Inc.
3211 Coors Blvd. SW, Suite D-4
Albuquerque, NM 87121
To register for an exam, contact:

PSI Licensure: Certification
3210 East Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267 phone
702.932.2666 fax
Please check with the State Licensing Board for Reciprocity information
Please check with the State Licensing Board for Continuing Education information.

The New Mexico Electrical exam content is as follows: Part 1 (Commercial & Industrial) is 80 questions, 200 minutes and requires 75% to pass Part 2 (Residential) is 40 questions, 100 minutes and requires 75% to pass Part 3 (Specialties) is 50 questions, 135 minutes and requires 75% to pass.

The references listed are for all three parts of the exam. If you are only taking one part of the exam or a specific part of the exam, please check to see which references are appropriate.

Each exam part is $89.69.

American Contractor offers a 1.5 day seminar for the New Mexico EE-98 Electrical exam focusing on the Code book. We also offer Electrical Exam preparation seminars that would benefit anyone taking Electrical examinations. Please contact us for more information. 800-992-1910