Required Books
All of the books listed under, Reference Materials, on this page were used to create the exam and are recommended for study materials. However, only the following books are allowed into the exam room during the exam. These are: NC OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry, 2005; CAMA Handbook for the Development of Coastal NC, 2002; Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods, 6th Edition, 2002 These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-992-1910.
*There are additional downloadable documents for the North Carolina Marine exam*
Laws and Regulations Applicable to General Contracting in the State of North Carolina.
North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Chapter 4 Sedimentation Control, as amended July 1, 2000.
North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A, Article 4 Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973, as amended through October 2002.
CAMA Handbook for Development of Coastal North Carolina.
Add All Required Books to Cart ($721.70)
Additional Services
The Marine classification allows all marine construction and repair activities and all types of marine construction in deep water installations and in harbors, inlets, sounds, bays, and channels. It covers dredging, construction and installation of pilings, piers, decks, slips, docks, and bulkheads. It does not include structures required on docks, slips, and piers.
To apply, contact State of North Carolina Licensing Board 1-919-571-4183.
The licensing fees are: Limited $75, Intermediate $100, and Unlimited $125.
Applications are cleared for approval to take the exam as soon as they are received. However, once exams are passed, applications are submitted to the board for review.
Applications must be submitted the 1st week of the month prior to the next board meeting (ex. 1st week of June for July approval).
The board meets once per month in every month except December. Therefore, processing time would be 1 to 2 months depending on the date submitted to the board.
All general contractors licenses expire December 31 each calendar year and normally are not issued during the month of December.
Important Contacts
North Carolina does not have a reciprocity agreement for this license.
As of this time, North Carolina has no continuing education requirements for this license.
American Contractors does not offers a seminar to prepare for the North Carolina Marine contractor license exam at this time. We do carry the reference materials needed to prepare for this exam. Please contact us for additional information, 1-800-992-1910.