
North Carolina Water Lines & Sewer Lines

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The Water Lines and Sewer Lines classification covers construction work on water and sewer mains, water service lines, and house and building sewer lines as defined in the North Carolina State Building Code, water storage tanks, lift stations, pumping stations, and appurtenances to water storage tanks, lift stations, and pumping stations. It also includes pavement patching, backfill, and erosion control as part of such construction.

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Required Books 

All of the books listed under, Reference Materials, on this page were used to create the exam. However, only the following books are allowed into the exam room while taking the test. They are: NC OSHA standards for the Construction Industry, 2005; Installation Guide for Ductile Iron Pipe, 2000; Concrete Pipe Installation Manual, 1995. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-992-1910.

*There are additional downloadable documents for the North Carolina Water Lines and Sewer Lines exam*

Laws and Regulations Applicable to General Contracting in the State of North Carolina.

North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Chapter 4 Sedimentation Control, as amended July 1, 2000.

North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A, Article 4 Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973, as amended through October 2002.

North Carolina One Call.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($241.70)

Additional Services

  • Pre-approval from the state is required to sit for the examination.
  • Please note a separate North Carolina Business and Law exam is not needed, that information is incorporated into the Water Lines and Sewer Lines exam.
  • A license is required for projects that are $30,000 or more.
  • There is no minimum experience requirement. Applicants must submit 3 names as references.

    All licenses covered by the commercial licensing board are divided into 3 financial categories:

  • Limited: Applicants must have a minimum working capital of $17,000. This level allows bids up to $500,000 per single project.
  • Intermediate: Applicants must have a minimum working capital of $75,000. This level allows bids up to $1,000,000 per single project.
  • Unlimited: Applicants must have a minimum working capital of $150,000. This level has no restrictions as to the value of any single project.

    Applicants for the Intermediate and Unlimited license must submit audited financial statements with classified balance sheets prepared by a CPA or independent accountant engaged in the public practice of accounting.

    Surety bonds are required for applicants with insufficient working capital. The board may request that a surety bond and payment bond be obtained for jobs above a certain monetary level.

The Water Lines and Sewer Lines classification covers construction work on water and sewer mains, water service lines, and house and building sewer lines as defined in the North Carolina State Building Code, water storage tanks, lift stations, pumping stations, and appurtenances to water storage tanks, lift stations, and pumping stations. It also includes pavement patching, backfill, and erosion control as part of such construction.

To apply, contact State of North Carolina Licensing Board 1-919-571-4183.

The licensing fees are: Limited $75, Intermediate $100, and Unlimited $125.

Applications are cleared for approval to take the exam as soon as they are received. However, once exams are passed, applications are submitted to the board for review.

Applications must be submitted the 1st week of the month prior to the next board meeting (ex. 1st week of June for July approval).

The board meets once per month in every month except December. Therefore, processing time would be 1 to 2 months depending on the date submitted to the board.

All general contractors licenses expire December 31 each calendar year and normally are not issued during the month of December.

Important Contacts

To apply for a General Contractor and related trade licenses, contact:

Licensing Board for General Contractors
Post Office Box 17187
Raleigh, NC 27619
Applications and licensing information for Electrical licenses may be obtained be obtained from:

Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors
PO Box 18727
Raleigh, NC 27619
Applications and Exam information for Plumbing, Heating & Fire Sprinkler license may be obtained from:

Board of Examiners of Plumbing, Heating & Fire Sprinklers
1109 Dresser Court
Raleigh, NC 27609
For all examinations Contact:

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Examination Registration NC
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267 phone
702.932.2666 fax

North Carolina has reciprocity with South Carolina for this license.

As of this time, there is no continuing education for this license.

  • The fee for the exam is $60 and a score of at least 70% is required to pass the exam.
  • The exam is open book, multiple-choice, and timed.
  • There are 45 questions on the exam with a 2 hour time limit. Not all reference books are allowed into the exam.

    Topics covered on the exam are safety, liens, laws and regulations, general knowledge, One Call, underground utilities – concrete pipe installation, erosion and sedimentation, underground utilities – ductile pipe installation, and excavation and grading.

  • Once you are approved you will receive an eligibility letter to schedule your testing. The eligibility letter is valid for 120 days from the date on the letter and allows the candidate to take 1 exam within that time frame.
  • To schedule your exam you must contact PSI at 1-800-733-9267.
  • Failing candidates may not retake an exam until at least 30 days after the failed exam.
American Contractors does not offer a seminar for the North Carolina Water and Sewer Lines license however we do carry the references needed to study for this exam.  Please contact us for additional information. 1-800-992-1910.