Required Books
The references listed below are permitted to be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-992-1910.
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Additional Services
Please note that the South Carolina Business and Law exam as well as the South Carolina Residential Electrical exam is required to be passed to obtain your contractors license.
Financial requirements:
All applicants must submit a credit report with their application. After passing the exams, Residential Contractors are required to obtain a Surety Bond of at least $15,000.
Experience required:
Contractor must show one year of experience under the supervision of a licensed residential builder or other appropriately licensed individual in the desired classification.
Pre-Approval for testing is required.
The South Carolina Residential Electrical license covers all electric work on residential structures consisting of sixteen units or less and not exceeding 3 stories in height.
The first step in the licensing process is to gain pre-approval by submitting an application to the Residential Contractors Licensing Board documenting your experience and financial information.
Once approved, you may take the necessary exams. To apply, contact the South Carolina Residential Builders Commission at (803) 896-4696.
An application fee of $100 must be sent with the application when seeking pre-approval.
Licenses renew July 1 of each even numbered year.
The licensing fee for the Residential Electrical is $50 for 12 months or less and $100 for 12 months or more. The licensing fee is due after passing the exam.
Important Contacts
South Carolina currently has no reciprocity agreement with others states for this license.
There are currently no continuing education requirements for this license.
American Contractors holds a 2-day Electrical Web-Seminar that will help you pass the South Carolina Residential Electrician exam. The seminar will focus on the National Electrical Code as it applies to your state contractor licensing exam. You will leave prepared for the exam but you will also gain important information that can be applied to your trade every day. Most importantly, each component of your exam will be covered including the math. Test strategy is also covered to ensure you are confident about taking the exam.