
Diagnostics 2 – Diagnosing 24 Heat Pump Residential Systems

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Diagnosing 24 Heat Pump Residential Systems (troubleshooting calls with “You be the Technician” service calls homework) As the HVAC/R student acquires general knowledge about the components, circuits, and sequence of operations of various systems, a broad mental database is being created.

This pool of information, in effect, becomes a large “toolbox” that can be accessed as needed to help the technician solve various field problems. Just as a technician carries a complete set of hand tools, including wrenches, gauges, screwdrivers, and the like, a mental toolbox is just as important in order to troubleshoot an air-conditioning or heatpump system effectively. The commonsense aspect of troubleshooting helps the technician determine what to do with the available tools. Therefore, the more complete this tool-box is, the more effective the service technician will be.

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Diagnostics 2 - Diagnosing 24 Heat Pump Residential Systems

Diagnosing 24 Heat Pump Residential Systems (troubleshooting calls with “You be the Technician” service calls homework) As the HVAC/R student acquires general knowledge about the components, circuits, and sequence of operations of various systems, a broad mental database is being created.

This pool of information, in effect, becomes a large "toolbox" that can be accessed as needed to help the technician solve various field problems. Just as a technician carries a complete set of hand tools, including wrenches, gauges, screwdrivers, and the like, a mental toolbox is just as important in order to troubleshoot an air-conditioning or heatpump system effectively. The commonsense aspect of troubleshooting helps the technician determine what to do with the available tools. Therefore, the more complete this tool-box is, the more effective the service technician will be.

Diagnosing 24 Heat Pump Residential Systems (troubleshooting calls with “You be the Technician” service calls homework) As the HVAC/R student acquires general knowledge about the components, circuits, and sequence of operations of various systems, a broad mental database is being created.


Service Call 1: System Overcharge

Service Call 2: System Undercharge

Service Call 3: Blown Line-Voltage Fuse

Service Call 4: Defective Transformer

Service Call 5: Defective Contactor Holding Coil

and 24 more Service Call examples.

Important Contacts

To apply for a license, contact:

Tennessee Board for
Licensing Contractors
500 James Robertson Pkwy, 1st Floor
Nashville, TN 37243-1150
PSI Licensure : Certification
3210 E. Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267
(702) 932-2666 Fax
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This 8-hour class counts as Continuing Educational credits for:  NATE - 4
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Diagnostics 2 - Diagnosing 24 Heat Pump Residential Systems:  This course includes twenty-four (24) trouble shooting calls & five (5) “You be the Technician” service call homework assignments.

At the end of the course, you will be presented with five service calls in which you are asked to be the technician. On these calls, you are asked to describe what you would do on the call and what you think the system problem is.