Required Books
The list of references below are permitted to be taken into the examination and required for our seminar. These references may be tabbed (with a permanent index tabs) and highlighted.
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Additional Services
This license allows the candidate to pull electrical permits and subcontract components of the project when the electrical portion constitutes at least 60% of the total project cost.
The Electrical Contractor may perform electrical work for buildings and structures, all types of low voltage work, electrical sings, burglar and security systems, fire detection, electrical temperature controls, roadway lighting, attenuators and signalization. This license does not allow high voltage electrical work; a separate license is need for high voltage work.
Applications are available from the Licensing Board at:
Tennessee Board for Licensing Contractors
500 James Robertson Pkwy, 1st Floor
Nashville, TN 37243-1150
Phone 615-741-8307
We offer application processing for Tennessee contractors applications for $299.00. The state application fee is $250. For additional information and state and federal requirements please call 1-800-992-1910.
Important Contacts
The state of Tennessee has a limited reciprocity agreement for several licenses with the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina for the trade exam. Candidates will still be required to pass the Business and Law Management Exam.
At this time, Tennessee does not require Continuing Education for Electrcial Contractors.
The exam is administered by PSI. It is an open-book timed test with 100 questions and a 4-hour and 20 minute time limit. In order to pass you must answer 73 questions correct (73%). The exam fee is $57. If the exam is failed three times, the applicant will have to interview with the board before retesting.
Examination Content includes:
General Knowledge and Electrical Installation Requirements
Building Code Requirements
Services, Feeders, and Branch Circuits
Overcurrent Protection
Grounding and Bonding
Conductors and Cables
Raceways and Boxes
Hazardous Locations, Special Occupancies, and Special Equipment
Low Voltage, Alarms, Signaling Systems, and Communications
Lighting, Signs, and General Use Equipment
OSHA and NFPA 70E Safety
Motors, Transformers, and Generators
Our seminar begins with our Instructors covering pertinent information about the test. This includes, but is not limited to, the books that will be used on the Tennessee exam; the testing company that administers the exam; a breakdown of content that is covered on the exam; testing strategy that we recommend our students use during the exam; and book navigation techniques.
This information is invaluable and is instrumental in the success of our students.