
Tennessee Mechanical Plumbing (CMC-A)

This license permits the installation, alteration, remodeling or repair of any plumbing or non-medical gas piping. A license is needed for jobs where the total cost is in excess of $25,000.


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Required Books 

The references listed below are permitted to be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-992-1910.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($525.90)

Additional Services

  • Effective May 24, 2007, Senate Bill 0786 and HB 2122 requires plumbers to be pre-approved by the Board, prior to taking the mechanical plumbing exam (CMC or CMC-A) by providing evidence of 3 years experience. There is a specific Exam Approval Request form that candidates need to fill out and send to the Board Office. Once proof of 3 years experience is submitted the board will send PSI confirmation to approve the SS# for testing. The process will take less than 3 business days if faxed to (615) 532-2868 or e-mailed to: Telise.Roberts@state.tn.us. ALL PLUMBERS MUST BE PRE-APPROVED TO TEST AND WILL BE REQUIRED TO LIST THREE (3) YEARS OF PROVEN EXPERIENCE.
  • Tennessee Plumbing Approval Application
  • Once you pass your exams, you will then submit an application to the state licensing board with documentation of your experience, financial information, and your passing test scores.
  • Please note that the Tennessee Business and Law exam is also required to be passed to obtain your contractor’s license.
  • The monetary limit (limit per contract) is based on 10 times the lesser of the net worth or working capital or experience. (Working capital is current assets minus current liabilities and net worth is total assets minus total liabilities). A reviewed financial statement is required for monetary requests of $3,000,000 or less. A CPA audited financial statement is required for monetary requests exceeding $3,000,000. To obtain an unlimited license, applicants must have over $300,000 in both net worth and working capital.
  • All contractors with 1 or more employees are required to carry Worker’s Compensation insurance. Every applicant will be required to provide a certificate of insurance proving an adequate amount of liability insurance. The requirements are as follows:
    Monetary Limit Minimum Insurance
    Up to $500,000 -----$100,000
    $501,000 to $1,500,000 -----$500,000
    $1,501,000 to Unlimited -----$1,000,000

This license permits the installation, alteration, remodeling, or repair of any plumbing or non-medical gas piping. A license is needed for jobs where the total cost is in excess of $25,000.

Applications are available from the Licensing Board at:

Tennessee Board for Licensing Contractors
500 James Robertson Pkwy, 1st Floor
Nashville, TN 37243-1150

  • Phone 615-741-8307
  • We offer application processing for Tennessee contractors applications for $299.00. The state application fee is $250.  For additional information and state and federal requirements please call 1-800-992-1910
  • Important Contacts

    To apply for a license, contact:

    Tennessee Board for
    Licensing Contractors
    500 James Robertson Pkwy, 1st Floor
    Nashville, TN 37243-1150
    PSI Licensure : Certification
    3210 E. Tropicana
    Las Vegas, NV 89121
    (800) 733-9267
    (702) 932-2666 Fax

    Tennessee has a limited reciprocity agreement for several licenses with the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina for the trade exam. Candidates will still be required to pass the Tennessee Business and Law Management exam.

    As of this time Tennessee doesn’t require continuing education for this license.

    • The fee for the exam is $57
    • The Tennessee Mechanical Plumbing exam has 110 questions and a time limit of 4.5 hours.
    • A score of 73% is required. (81 correct)
    • If the exam is failed 3 times, the applicant will have to interview with the board before retesting.

      Topics covered on the exam are general knowledge and math, water supply and distribution, fixtures (including water heaters), drains, waste and vent systems (including indirect and special waste), traps, cleanouts, interceptors, isometric analysis, gas appliances and piping, OSHA safety, and general requirements (not including gas) – administrative, structural, backflow, materials and supports, joints and connections, storm drains, and testing.

    To schedule your exam, you must first obtain pre-approval from the board. Then, contact PSI at 1-800-733-9267.

    American Contractors offers a 6-hour seminar to prepare you for the Tennessee Mechanical Plumbing license exam. In addition, we also offer a seminar to prepare you for the required Business and Law Management exam. Please contact us for additional information, 1-800-992-1910.