
Texas Journeyman Plumber

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A Journeyman Plumber is someone who installs, changes, repairs, services, or renovates plumbing, or supervises any of those activities and works under the general supervision of a Master Plumber.

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Required Books 

The references listed below are recommended study materials for the examination. This exam is Closed-Book. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted for easier use. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 800-992-1910.


The following reference editions are needed for preparation of the exam. Applicants must choose which book(s) to use to study for the exam; EITHER of the following may be used: 2012 International Plumbing Code  AND 2012 International Fuel Gas Code OR 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code.

*There are downloadable documents for the Master Plumbing exam*

The Plumbing License Law & Board Rules are also used during the exam and are available on the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners website at: www.tsbpe.state.tx.us. A copy of both of these documents will be sent to you by the Board when your application is approved.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($477.40)

Additional Services

  • Pre-approval from the state is required to sit for the exam.
  • Please note a separate Business and Law exam is not needed, that information is incorporated into the trade exam.

    The state requires applicants to have proof that applicant is a citizen or national of the United States, or an alien lawfully admitted to the US for permanent residence, or an alien authorized to work lawfully in the US. Applicants are required to have a high school diploma or GED.

    Applicants must have either a current Texas Plumber’s Apprentice registration, a current Tradesman Plumber-Limited license, or a valid Journeyman or Master Plumber license from another state.

    Applicants must have at least 8,000 hours of experience working under the direct supervision of a license Plumber and general supervision of a Master Plumber OR have a valid Journeyman or Master Plumber license from another state and at least 8,000 hours of experience working under the general supervision of a Master Plumber.

  • There are no state minimum financial requirements at this time.
  • At this time the Board does not require the Journeyman Plumber to have liability insurance.

A Journeyman Plumber is someone who installs, changes, repairs, services, or renovates plumbing, or supervises any of those activities and works under the general supervision of a Master Plumber.

To apply, contact the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners at 1-512-936-5200.

The exam fee is $40.00 (which includes the license fee).

Applications are processed when they are received depending on length of time it takes Board to verify all information, but generally they are processed approximately 2-3 weeks from date received.

After passing the exam, it takes approximately 2 weeks to receive the license.

Important Contacts

Air conditioning, Electricians, Water well drillers, Pump installers & Refrigeration applications & license information may be obtained from:

Department of Licensing & Regulation
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Licensing Section
PO Box 12157
Austin, TX 78711
(800) 803-9202 (in Texas only)
Plumbing License information and applications may be obtained from:

Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners
PO Box 4200
Austin, TX 78765
(800) 845-6584 (Phone)
(512) 450-0637 (Fax)
Department of Licensing & Regulation
Electrical Licensing Section
PO Box 13489
Austin, TX 78711
(512) 463-6599
(800) 803-9202 (in Texas only)

To register for HVAC and Electrical Exams, the testing company is PSI.

PSI Licensure : Certification
3210 E. Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267
(702) 932-2666 Fax


The Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners considers reciprocity on an individual basis.

If licensed in another state, the applicant must submit a letter on official letterhead from that state licensing authority stating that the individual has a valid Journeyman or Master Plumber license from that state, including how long that license has been held and whether or not the license is renewable.

Proof of experience must be submitted to the Board. Applicants are required to have the same amount of experience as required by an in-state applicant.

The Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners requires completion of 6 hours of approved continuing education during the term of the current license for renewal each year. 3 of the 6 hours must cover the subjects of health protection, energy conservation and water conservation.

  • The fee for the exam is $40.00 (includes license fee).
  • The Texas Journeyman Plumber exam has 90 questions. The exam is a 3 part test. The 1st part is a written portion. The 2nd part is the sanitary waste and vent portion. The 3rd part is a mechanical “hands on” shop-work portion. The exam is closed book.

    Topics covered on the written portion of the exam are knowledge of residential waste and vent systems, natural gas systems, water systems, proper plumbing terms and definitions, cross-connections, back siphoning, backflow, water heaters, and the Plumbing License Law and Board Rules.

    Topics covered on the sanitary waste and vent installation portion of the exam will test the applicant’s knowledge of the proper layout, planning, and installation of, sanitary waste and vent systems. The individual must design the sanitary waste and vent system for a 2 story building including the material “take-off”, order the material, and actually install the system in a reduced scale 2 story building.

    Topics covered on the mechanical “hands on” shop-work portion of the exam test the applicant’s knowledge and ability to properly use plumbing tools to assemble, measure, prepare, cut, and install plumbing materials and recognize proper installations of water heaters.,

  • To schedule your exam, you must first obtain pre-approval from the board. Then, contact the Texas State Plumbing Board at 1-512-458-2145.
  • If the exam is failed once, candidates must wait a 30 days training period before retesting. A 60 day waiting period applies if failed twice and 90 days if failed 3 or more times.

American Contractors does not offer a seminar to prepare you for the Texas Journeyman Plumber license exam. Please contact us for additional information, 1-800-992-1910.