
Virginia Flooring and Floor Covering Contractor

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Virginia Flooring and Floor Covering Contractor

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Required Books 

The references listed below are allowed to be used during the exam and are used in our preparation seminar. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted.

The reference materials listed were used to prepare the questions for this examination. The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge, or general industry practices. You can use any edition of references and Code books as they become available.  However for Code questions, the examination will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.

They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-992-1910.

Several of the books listed are only available from Amazon, so they are essentially out of print from the publisher. They are:

Stanley Complete Flooring, 2008

Hardwood Floors: Laying, Sanding, & Finishing, 1990

Builder's Guide to Floors, 1997

Setting Tile, 1995

Add All Required Books to Cart ($231.95)

Additional Services

NOTICE: Effective March 1, 2016, all Contractor Specialty examinations will require pre-approval from DPOR prior to taking the examination. For more information please contact the Board for Contractors Licensing Section directly at (804) 367-8511.

Effective August 21, 2006, the Designated Employee or a member of Responsible Management of all contractors applying for initial licensure (for an entity that is not currently licensed) must successfully complete an 8-hour business class approved by the Board for Contractors.

This applies to Class-A, Class-B & Class-C Contractors. (Please note that individuals applying for a Class C license; A Owner/Officer/Partner of the Company must be the person to take the required 8-hour Business Course required by the Board.)

Virginia Flooring and Floor Covering Contractor (FLR) means the service that provides for the installation, repair, improvement, or removal of materials that are common in the flooring industry. This includes, but is not limited to, wood and wood composite flooring, tack strips or other products used to secure carpet, vinyl and linoleum, ceramic, marble, stone, and all other types of tile, and includes the installation or replacement of subflooring, leveling products, or other materials necessary to facilitate the installation of the flooring or floor covering. This does not include the installation, repair, or removal of floor joists or other structural components of the flooring system. The RBC and CBC classifications and HIC and CIC specialties also provide for this function.

To apply for a license, contact:

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation

9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400

Richmond, Virginia 23233


Important Contacts

To apply for a license, contact:

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
9960 Mayland Drive
Suite 400
Richmond, Virginia 23233
Virginia exams are given by:

PSI Licensure: Certification
ATTN: Exam Registration
Daniel Building
3805 Cutshaw Ave., Suite 310
Richmond, VA 23230
(800) 733-9267
For Tradesman Testing Approval, completed applications should be sent to:
Board for Contractors
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233

For more information, visit the website:
Virginia currently does not have reciprocity with any state for this classification.
Virginia currently does NOT require Continuing Education for this classification.

The Virginia Flooring and Floor Covering exam is administered by PSI.

It is a 50 question, multiple-choice, timed test with a 2 hour time limit and a 70% is required to pass.

Exam Subject areas include Ceramic FLoor Tile & Stone, Resilient Flooring, Wood Flooring, Carpenting, Estimating Materials & Safety.

Exam Fees:(paid directly to PSI)

$40.00 One Portion

$72.00 Two Portions

$85.00 Three Portions

$85.00 QI Specialty Exam


American Contractors does not currently offer a preparation seminar for the Virginia Flooring and Floor Covering Contractor exam. We carry many of the approved references and do offer seminars for the Class A & B exams as well as the Pre-Licensing requirements.