
West Virginia Electrical Contractor

The Electrical Contractor is for those engaged in the business of contracting to install, erect, repair or alter electrical equipment for the generation, transmission or utilization of electrical energy.


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Required Books 

The references listed below are permitted into the exam and they are available to purchase by calling 800-992-1910 or from our online bookstore . References may be highlighted and tabbed (with permanent index tabs) prior to testing.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($327.50)

Additional Services

NOTE: Actual electrical work or pulling of permits is NOT covered under this license, A Master Electrician license is required to do electrical work and pull permits.

  • The first step in the licensing process is to pass all required exams. Once the exams are passed, then you submit an application to the State Licensing Board.
  • The Business and Law exam is required as well as the trade exam.
  • There are no State mandated minimum experience requirements for this license.
  • There are no State mandated financial requirements except for the Wage Bond.
  • The Licensing application fee is $150.00.

    All types of contractors are required to carry Workers Compensation Insurance and Unemployment Insurance. Applicants who have NOT been actively and actually engaged in construction work in West Virginia for the past 5 consecutive years must obtain a Wage Bond covering all employee salaries for four weeks at full production.

    Exceptions to the Wage Bond requirement are contractors that are only performing Residential work and those who have been actively engaged in construction work in West Virginia for the past 5 consecutive years.

The Electrical Contractor is for those engaged in the business of contracting to install, erect, repair or alter electrical equipment for the generation, transmission or utilization of electrical energy.

To apply for this license contact West Virginia Division of Labor Contractor Licensing Board at (304) 558-7890.

West Virginia Division of Labor

Contractor Licensing Board

State Capital Complex, Bldg. 9, Rm. 749

Charleston, WV 25305


PSI Services,LLC


Phone: (855)539-0708


Important Contacts

To apply for a Contractors license, contact:

West Virginia Division of Labor
Contractor Licensing Board
State Capital Complex, Bldg. 9, Rm. 749
Charleston, WV 25305
To apply for an Electricians License or to schedule for and Electrician's exam, contact:

State Fire Commission
Office of the State Fire Marshal
Regulatory and Licensing Division
1207 Quarrier St. 2nd floor
Charleston, WV 25301
To Apply for an Exam:

150 W Civic Center Dr
Suite 601
Sandy, UT 84070

There is a reciprocity agreement between the West Virginia Electrical Contractor License & the West Virginia Master Electrician License for candidates with adequate experience.

There is also a reciprocity agreement with North Carolina for individuals with adequate experience.

West Virginia does not currently require continuing education for the Electrical Contractor classification.


  • PSI administers the exam.
  • Business and Law is required.
  • It is an open book timed test with 75 questions and a 3-hour time limit.
  • A score of 70% is required to pass the exam.
  • The exam fee is $47.50 per exam.
  • To schedule an exam please contact PSI

    Exam topics include: Electrical Theory/Trade Knowledge, 3 Phase Theory, Definitions, Wiring and protection, Wiring methods and materials, Equipment for General Use, Special occupancies, Special Equipment, Special Conditions, Communications Systems, Tables and Examples, CALCULATIONS, Conduit Fill, Service Loads, 3 Phase Calculation and Voltage Drop.

American Contractors Exam Services offers a 1-day seminar to prepare you for the Electrical Contractor license exam. We also offer separate seminar preparation for the Business and Law examination.