
West Virginia HVAC Contractor

We offer custom training options for the West Virginia HVAC Contractor training built around your schedule. Find out now what options we have available.

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The HVAC Contractor license is for those individuals engaging in the business of contracting to install, erect, repair, service or alter heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment or systems to heat, cool or ventilate residential and commercial structures or work incidental to the installation or repair.

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Required Books 

The references listed below are permitted in to the exam and they are available to purchase by calling 800-992-1910. References can be highlighted and tabbed (with permanent Index tabs) prior to testing.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($388.20)

Additional Services

  • The first step in the licensing process is to pass the HVAC Contractors exam. Once the exams are passed, then you submit an application to the State Licensing Board.
  • The Business and Law exam is required.
  • The License application fee is $90.00.  

"Heating, Ventilating and Cooling Technician" means a person who engages in the business of contracting to install, erect, repair, service or alter heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment or systems to heat, cool or ventilate residential and commercial structures or work incidental to the installation or repair.

All persons performing HVAC work in the State of West Virginia are required to have an HVAC Technician Certification, regardless of the dollar amount of the job or the individual’s affiliation with a licensed contractor. 

HVAC work which is $5,000 or more on a residential project or $25,000 or more on a commercial project (material & labor for entire project, not just the HVAC work) requires the entity to obtain a Contractor License with a classification that covers HVAC work. 

To apply for this license contact West Virginia Division of Labor Contractor Licensing Board at (304) 558-7890.

West Virginia Division of Labor

Contractor Licensing Board

State Capital Complex, Bldg. 9, Rm. 749

Charleston, WV 25305


To register for an exam contact:

Prov Exam



Important Contacts

To apply for a Contractors license, contact:

West Virginia Division of Labor
Contractor Licensing Board
State Capital Complex, Bldg. 9, Rm. 749
Charleston, WV 25305
To apply for an Electricians License or to schedule for and Electrician's exam, contact:

State Fire Commission
Office of the State Fire Marshal
Regulatory and Licensing Division
1207 Quarrier St. 2nd floor
Charleston, WV 25301
To Apply for an Exam:

150 W Civic Center Dr
Suite 601
Sandy, UT 84070

West Virginia has no reciprocity agreements for the HVAC license

West Virginia does not require continuing education of its HVAC Technicians at this time.

Prov will be administering all exam services for the state of West Virginia beginning September 1, 2024.

  • Prov administers the exam.
  • It is an open book timed test with 80 questions and a 3-hour time limit.
  • A score of 70% is required to pass the exam.
  • The exam fee is $59.95 per exam.
  • To schedule an exam please contact Prov at 866-720-7768
  • www.provexam.com  

  • Exam topics include: General Regulations, Load Calculations, Code Requirements, Controls, Fuel Systems, Ducting, Insulating, Piping and Safety.

American Contractors Exam Services does not currently offer a seminar to prepare you for the HVAC license exam. We do offer a seminar for the required Business and Law exam, as well as carry all the required reference books.   Please continue to check back with us.