
Wyoming Journeyman Electrician

This license allows the holder to install and supervise the installation of electrical equipment for any purpose in accordance with the National Electrical Code and city, county and state ordinances and regulations and works under the supervision of a Master Electrician.


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Required Books 

The references listed are permitted to be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with a permanent index tab) and highlighted.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($243.00)

Applicants must gain approval to take the exam by submitting an application to the state licensing board.

Experience:  Applicants must document 4 years (8,000 hours) of electrical apprenticeship or experience. Experience must be obtained during a time frame no less than four (4) years. Experience must include residential, commercial and industrial experience with no more than 75% of it falling under any one category. Up to 2 years (4,000 hours) credit may be given for electrical education courses. Military experience is acceptable with proper documentation.

There are not state mandated financial requirements for this license.

No Business and Law Exam is required, applicants only need to pass the trade exam to obtain this license.

This license allows the holder to install and supervise the installation of electrical equipment for any purpose in accordance with the National Electrical Code and city, county and state ordinances and regulations and works under the supervision of a Master Electrician.


Dept. of Fire Prevention & Electrical

Attn: Electrical

122 West 25th St. Herschler Bldg.1

Cheyenne, WY 82002

(307) 777-7288


Important Contacts

Electrical Licensing information is available from:

Dept. of Fire Prevention & Electrical Safety
Attn. Electrical Licensing
122 West 25th St.
Herschler Building 1 West
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307)777-7119 Fax


The state of Wyoming has a reciprocity agreement for the Journeyman Electrician license with the following states: Utah, Montana, Washington, Alaska, Colorado, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, New Hampshire.

This agreement only applies to licenses obtained by examination with a score of at 70% that have been held for at least one year.

Contact the State Licensing Board for Continuing Education requirements at :

Dept. of Fire Prevention & Electrical Safety

Electrical Licensing 

122 West 25th Street, Herschler Bldg. 1 West

Cheyenne, WY 82002

(307) 777-7288


The Wyoming Journeyman Electrician 385 Exam is administered by ICC.

$110 (paper & pencil) $100 (Computer)

Exam is 80 questions, open-book with a 4-hour time limit. 70% is passing.

Exam topics include: General  knowledge, services and service equipment, feeders, branch circuits and conductors, wiring methods and materials, equipment and devices, control devices, motors and generators, special occupancies, equipment and conditions.





American Contractors offers a 2-day seminar to prepare for the Wyoming Journeyman Electrician examination.  Please contact us at 800-992-1910 for more information.

This seminar will cover the National Electrical Code as it applies to your state contractor licensing exam.  With more than 20 years in the electrical industry, author of several books and currently an inspector at one the world's largest and most popular theme parks, our instructor will impress you with his knowledge of the code and his relaxed teaching style.  You will leave prepared for the exam but you will also gain important information that can be applied to your trade everyday.  Most importantly, each component of your exam will be covered including the math.  Test strategy is also covered to ensure you are confident about taking the exam.