
Wyoming Master Electrician

A Master Electrician may perform all types of electrical work including layout and the design of electrical blue prints. A Master may supervise and/or instruct Journeyman and Apprentices on the job or in a vocational course.


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Required Books 

The references listed are permitted to be taken into the examination and are used for preparation seminars. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($243.00)

For an applicant to take the Wyoming Master electrician’s exam, the applicant must present evidence of 8 years (16,000 hours) of work experience in the electrical wiring industry, of which 4 years (8,000 hours) is documented as a licensed journeyman, and 576 hours of electrically related classroom instruction required. This work history must include evidence of experience in planning, laying out, and NEC and shall have been under the direct supervision of a qualifying electrician for a licensed electrical contractor. Electrical work experience is to consist of electrical installation in residential, commercial, and industrial categories.

Exemption to Education:

 An applicant for a journeyman electrician or master electrician license must also present evidence of 144 hours per year, or 576 hours over a four-year apprenticeship, of successfully completed electrically related classroom instruction obtained through approved electrical apprenticeship training programs. If 576 hours of classroom instruction cannot be provided, an applicant may qualify for the exam if evidence of 10 years and 20,000 hours of on-the-job training experience as a licensed journeyman or master electrician is provided and approved by the Chief Electrical Inspector.


Any Master Electrician performing electrical work in the State of Wyoming shall be always employed by an Electrical Contractor who carries a current Wyoming Electrical Contractor’s license.

A Master Electrician may perform all types of electrical work including layout and the design of electrical blue prints. A Master may supervise and/or instruct Journeyman and Apprentices on the job or in a vocational course.

Application information can be obtained from:



Important Contacts

Electrical Licensing information is available from:

Dept. of Fire Prevention & Electrical Safety
Attn. Electrical Licensing
122 West 25th St.
Herschler Building 1 West
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307)777-7119 Fax


The State of Wyoming has a reciprocal Journeyman Electrician license agreement with the following states:

Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas and Iowa

The State of Wyoming has a reciprocal Master Electrician license agreement with the following states:

Idaho, South Dakota and Iowa


Reciprocal licenses can be obtained through the Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety. Before submitting an application be sure you meet all requirements for this method of licensure. If you meet the licensing requirements listed below you may proceed with submitting your application. Reciprocation only exempts you from the exam not licensure requirements.

An individual must complete 24 hours of continuing education every three years.

Exam Information can be obtained by:

Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety

320 West 25th Street, 3rd Floor

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: 307-777-7288


American Contractors currently offers a scheduled seminar for the Wisconsin Master Electrical exam. This seminar will help students better navigate the National Electrical Code book (NEC).  For more information, please contact us 800-992-1910.

This seminar will cover the National Electrical Code as it applies to your state contractor/electrician licensing exam.  With more than 20 years in the electrical industry, author of several books and currently an inspector at one the world's largest and most popular theme parks, our instructor will impress you with his knowledge of the code and his relaxed teaching style.  You will leave prepared for the exam but you will also gain important information that can be applied to your trade everyday.  Most importantly, each component of your exam will be covered including the math.  Test strategy is also covered to ensure you are confident about taking the exam.