The Specialty Structures contractor scope of work and responsibility is limited to a particular phase of construction and subset of activities according to the amended Rule 61G4-15.015FAC. The rule broadens the scope of specialty structure certification to include manufactured housing roof-covers, acrylic panel window enclosures, guardrails, handrails, aluminum and vinyl fences, the installation or replacement of windstorm protection devices (hurricane), residential glass window and door enclosures, and the installation or replacement of sunrooms. The size limit of aluminum utility storage structures has been increased from 500-720 square feet. Sunrooms do not include wood framed structures.
To apply, contact State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1-850-487-1395.
If applying for initial licensure from May 1st of an Even numbered year through August 31st of an Odd numbered year the fee is $249.
If applying for initial licensure from September 1st of an Odd numbered year through April 30th of an Even numbered year the fee is $149.
You must pay a fee of $56.25 to Promissor/Pearson VUE for the processing of your electronic fingerprints.
Candidates will receive an unofficial grade report on the day they pass the exam. However, test scores and license approval do not become official until ratified by the Contractors Licensing Board at their next meeting. Licenses are typically received within 14 to 60 days after submission of application.
Important Contacts
Florida does not have a reciprocal agreement with any other states for this license.
As of this time Florida requires 14 hours of board approved continuing education each biennium prior to the renewal period for both certified and registered contractors. At least 1 hour must deal with workplace safety, 1 hour must be on the subject of worker’s compensation, 1 hour must cover the subject of business practices, 1hour must cover the subject of laws and rules, 1 hour must cover wind mitigation methodologies, and 1 hour must cover the Florida Building Code advanced modules.
Effective November 15, 2008 examination fees are being restructured . When applying to schedule for the examination with Professional Testing Inc. (PTI) , the following fee structure will apply:
All parts of the examination:
Pay $135.00 examination development fee payable to PTI, $80.00 examination administration fee payable to DBPR, but mailed to PTI. An $80.00 examination administration fee payable to Pearson Vue (formerly Promissor), the CBT (Computer Based Testing) contracted vendor, is due at the time of scheduling.
- A score of at least 70% is required to pass the exams.
- The exam is 2 days, open book, multiple-choice, and timed.
- There are 2 parts to the exam, the business finance part and the trade knowledge part. The time limit for each exam portion is 4 hours and 45 minutes.
- You must complete all portions of the examination within 4 years of the first attempt. After four years, all previous test scores become invalid and you will be required to take all parts of the examination again.
The Florida Specialty Structures exam consists of 80 equally weighted questions and is held on the morning of the 2nd day.
The Florida Business and Finance exam has a morning session of 125 equally weighted questions and a 6.5 hour time limit.
- Applicants must submit an application and exam fee to become registered to take the exam. The testing company must receive completed applications and appropriate fees no later than 30 days prior to the next scheduled exam date.
Topics covered on the trade knowledge exam portion are siding, soffit, fascias, gutters, downspouts, roof-covers, post and beam structures, windows, insulation, roof sections, wall sections, and foundations.
- To schedule your exam you must contact Professional Testing, Inc (PTI) at 1-407-264-0562.
American Contractors offers a 5-day preparation course for the Specialty Structures contractor license exam and the Business & Finance exam. We also carry all the recommended and approved reference materials.
Please contact us for additional information, 1-800-992-1910.