
Louisiana Residential Contractor

A Residential contractor is one who constructs a fixed building or structure for sale for use by another as a residence when the cost of the undertaking of $50,000 or more. This license allows new construction, remodeling and repair of residential structures no more than three stories in height. It shall not include the manufactured housing industry or those persons engaged in building residential structures that are mounted on metal chassis and wheels. The only time that the construction of a duplex, tri-plex, or four-plex is covered is when it is a single contract for one unit. To build multiple units, apartment buildings, or subdivisions you need to have a Building Contractor License. It is not needed for individuals who build no more than one residence for their own use per year.


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Required Books 

Though this is a closed-book exam, Louisiana has listed many references that will help an individual study for the exam. American Contractors has listed a few that we use successfully to help students pass the test. These books are listed and available for purchase and needed for our seminar.

Add All Required Books to Cart ($464.50)

Additional Services

Pre-Approval is required. All persons who desire to be licensed as a Residential Contractor shall make application to the board before testing. All applicants MUST fill out the Qualifying Agent form appropriate to the type your business.

There are no specific experience requirements in Louisiana.

All contractors must have $10,000 in assets.

Completion of the Louisiana Business Law course is required for licensure.

Note: A qualifying party who has previously passed the Building Construction examination is not required to pass the Residential Building Contractor examination in order to qualify for this classification.

A Residential contractor is one who constructs a fixed building or structure for sale for use by another as a residence when the cost of the undertaking of $50,000 or more. This license allows new construction, remodeling and repair of residential structures no more than three stories in height. It shall not include the manufactured housing industry or those persons engaged in building residential structures that are mounted on metal chassis and wheels. The only time that the construction of a duplex, tri-plex, or four-plex is covered is when it is a single contract for one unit. To build multiple units, apartment buildings, or subdivisions you need to have a Building Contractor License. It is not needed for individuals who build no more than one residence for their own use per year.

To apply for a license or schedule an exam, contact:

State Licensing Board for Contractors
Post Office Box 14419
Baton Rouge, LA  70898

Important Contacts

To apply for a license or schedule an exam, contact:

State Licensing Board for Contractors
Post Office Box 14419
Baton Rouge, LA 70898
Applications for the State Plumbing license may be obtained from:

State Plumbing Board of Louisiana
2714 Canal Street, Ste. 512
New Orleans, LA 70119
(504) 826-2382

The Board has formal written reciprocal agreements with the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Utah. However, reciprocity is not automatic, applications will be considered on an individual basis. The contractor must hold a current license for the last three consecutive year period from the current application date in a comparable classification within the state from which he is domiciled. The applicant must have the contractor's licensing board of the state in which he is licensed complete a license verification form provided by the board.

Note: A qualifying party who has previously passed the Building Construction examination is not required to pass the Residential Building Contractor examination in order to qualify for this classification.

Louisiana states that if an individual holds a license in any other state for a classification that required a trade exam to be passed, LA will accept that exam for reciprocity for whatever classification LSLBC deems to be equivalent. 

Louisiana does require some Continuing Education for Contractors. Please contact the Board for more Information.

Exams are administered by the state licensing board. Exams are given at least 3 days a week. A candidate may request three dates upon which he or she will be available to take the examination. An attempt will be made to accommodate the candidate.

New applicants for licensure will be given priority in scheduling. The Residential test has 80 multiple-choice questions. There is a time limit of 3 ½- 4 hours for the exam.

This is a closed-book test. If you fail to appear for your exam on the assigned date, you will be required to submit a written application to reschedule and pay a $100 forfeit fee before you are assigned a new date.

Note: A qualifying party who has previously passed the Building Construction examination is not required to pass the Residential Building Contractor examination in order to qualify for this classification.

American Contractors offers Louisiana Residential Contractor examination preparation in the form of a one-day seminar in various cities throughout Louisiana. We also offer Business and Law Seminar preparation. Please contact us for more information or to register!