
Maryland Master Electrician

The Maryland Master Electrician is one who has the experience, knowledge, and skill to provide electrical services in all aspects of the electrical trade, in a manner that complies with applicable plans, specifications, codes, or laws.


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Required Books 

The references listed below are permitted to be taken into the examination. These references may be tabbed (with permanent index tabs) and highlighted. They are available for purchase from our online contractor’s bookstore or by calling our office at 1-800-992-1910.

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Additional Services

  • Pre-approval from the testing company is required to sit for the examination.
  • After the exam is passed, an application must be submitted to the State Board of Master Electricians for final approval before a license is issued.
  • A minimum of $300,000 General Liability insurance is required as well as $100,000 in Property Damage insurance. If the Master Electrician has employees, he must carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance.

    License Requirements for Master Electrician:

    Applicants for a Maryland Master Electrician license must have engaged in or been employed regularly and principally in providing services for all categories of electrical equipment under the supervision of a master electrician or similarly qualified individual.

    Candidates must have at least 7 years of experience to qualify.

    Up to 3 years of credit may be given for professional training courses taken (using education as part of the experience requirement may delay processing of your application by as much as 2 months).

The Maryland Master Electrician is one who has the experience, knowledge, and skill to provide electrical services in all aspects of the electrical trade, in a manner that complies with applicable plans, specifications, codes, or laws.

After passing the exams, applicants must complete additional application requirements with the licensing board. To contact the Maryland Board of Master Electricians at 1-410-230-6163.

The application fee is $20 and the renewal fee is $25.

Licenses are issued for 2 years from the date of issuance.

After passing the exam, candidates may complete an application online or request a paper copy of the application from the Board.

Online applications are processed in approximately 5 days and paper applications in 7 to 10 days.

  • Applicants that have been convicted of an offense are not automatically barred from licensure or certification.
  • The applicant must submitted to the Maryland State Board of Master Electricians a written account of any convictions and current status of any conviction relative to incarceration, parole, probation, payments of a fine, restitution, etc. and a certified true copy of any court dockets (may be obtained from the clerk of the court in the jurisdiction of the conviction). The Board will make a determination on licensure from this documentation.

Important Contacts

To apply for a home improvement license, contact:

Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation
Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
500 N. Calvert St. Room 306
Baltimore, MD 21202

To apply for an Electrical license contact:
Board of Master Electricians
410.333.6314 fax

To apply for a Plumbing license contact:
Board of Plumbers
410.333.6314 fax

To apply for a HVAC license, contact:
Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors

To register for an exam, contact:

PSI Licensure: Certification
Attn: Examination Registration MD HI
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(800) 733-9267
(702)932-2666 Fax

The Maryland Board of Master Electricians has a reciprocity agreement with the states of Virginia and Delaware.

The Board will also consider reciprocity on an individual basis for licenses held in other states and also for Maryland County or Baltimore city licenses.

As of this time, there is no continuing education for this license.

  • The fee for the exam is $65 and a 70% is required to pass.
  • The Maryland Master Electrician exam has 90 questions and a time limit of 4 hours.
  • The Maryland Journeyperson exam is 70 questions and 3.5 hours. 

    Topics covered on the Master Electrician exam electrical theory, wiring and protection, wiring methods and materials, equipment for general use, special occupancies, special equipment, special communications, and applications and calculations.

  • To be eligible to register for the exam, the applicant shall have the requiredwork experience. Effective 9/1/2024, all applications are now done online.  Go to: https://test-takers.psiexams.com/mdelec/test/KGNRTRL7  confirm the exam you are registering for and SIGN IN/REGISTER to create an account.
American Contractors offers a 1 day seminar to prepare for the Maryland Master Electrician license exam. Please contact us for additional information, 1-800-992-1910.